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"We have this treasure in jars of clay"
2 Cor. 4: 7 ESV

We are happy to announce that registration is now available! Please proceed to the link below to register:




We can confirm that the school will run in person (there will not be any on-line component) at the new Peterborough, Fleming College location. It is a close one-hour drive from the GTA, please consider joining us for the week or even a day or two. Day attendees are also welcome! If you are planning to attend in anyway, please help us by registering as soon as possible so we can finalize numbers with Fleming. At this time, due lack of enrollment, there will NOT been a teen program. All other parts of the program schedule will be running as scheduled.


For your summer planning, please receive this advanced notice of the Lakefield Christadelphian Bible School at Fleming 2023. By grace our committee is pleased to announce the 2023 in person school. A new location has been arranged at Fleming College, Sunderland Campus, Peterborough, Ontario, approximately 30 minutes closer to Toronto then past years. Also, a change in timing, the school will now be held in the first week in August. Dates are Monday August 7 to Saturday August 12, 2023, Lord willing. You can find out more about this year's Bible School in the flyer below:




Speakers are: Bro. John Pople on the subject 'Hearing the Voices of the Bible's Powerful Women' and Bro. Dale Andrews on the subject 'Lot - Lessons for the Last Days'. For more information on this year's speakers, see below:




Please consider joining us for the Lakefield Christadelphian Bible School at Fleming! By grace in our precious Hope, we look forward to seeing you in person this coming August 2023!

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