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Bro. Caleb Lawrence

Brother Caleb Lawrence is a member of the Cambridge, Ontario ecclesia along with his wife, Sister Julia, and children, Ethan and Sister Bethany. Brother Caleb is originally from British Columbia and grew up in the Prince George ecclesia.

The study of Minor Characters, Major Faith takes the examples of 13 people that exhibited faith that the Lord Jesus Christ would make a difference in their lives. Jesus, as our shepherd and bishop, cares deeply for us and looks diligently for us to show our faith like these minor characters in the gospels.


You can learn more about each day's subject using the link below.

Bro. Stephen Snobelen

Brother Stephen will be giving his classes on the topic "Biblical Perspectives on the Environment”.


This study examines what the Bible says about the created earth, how we are to care for it as God’s stewards and how Creation will be transformed in the age to come. This study also considers ways to distinguish between biblical teachings about Creation (e.g., that it is good and that God will preserve it) and unbiblical ideas about Creation (e.g., the gnostic position that the material world is evil, the pagan belief that nature is divine and the common evangelical doctrine that the earth will be destroyed). Attention is devoted to answering the common secular argument that the Bible is somehow to blame for the environmental crisis.


grounding in the biblical teachings about God’s Creation will give the believer the tools with which to discuss biblical environmental ethics in a positive way at a time when many people in the world understandably see ecology as a paramount concern. Finally, it will help us to understand our role as stewards of God’s Creation.


You can learn more about each day's subject using the link below.


Evening Programs


Bro. Tony Baines - "The Bible and Science"


Bro. Stephen Snobelen - "The Bible and Racism"


This evening's program will be a moderated session with Bro. Caleb Lawrence. He will review his first three classes on the Study of Minor Characters, Major Faith to start with and then discuss your questions.


Bro. Steven Cox - "The go to Iconium moment"


"Steven was a sort of translator type in Asia for decades and then washed up back in UK. The 'go to Iconium moment' is that sandal shaking incident at the end of Acts 13, but not sure where it goes next."


This evening's program will be a second moderated session with Bro. Caleb Lawrence. He will review his final two classes on the Study of Minor Characters, Major Faith to start with and then discuss your questions.

Saturday's Exhortation - Brother Doug Finlay:

Recommended Links

We recommend that if you would like to view additional Biblical-related content during the course of that week to visit some of these resources:

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